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UITree Interface
Upload tables, then drag n' drop to Axeso plots or join data between tables through a primary key or alternate key data interpolation.
Building a Table
Creating an UITree Graphical Object To create the tree you must first generate the structure through funBuildo function
s = funBuildo('tree',Tag,Position,Table,...)
Several Axeso funBuildo Structure Properties
Field: Page
Type: character vector
Purpose: The page defines which page the axeso object will be defined on. To specify the page the user may use the menu bar.
default: page is set to 'Home'.
After you have created the structure you may generate an object with it by calling the funControl function:
handles = funControl('tree',handles,s)
Once you have loaded the structure the object has been uploaded. There are several dynamic methods you may perform on the object returned in handles. Such as.
obj = handles.(Tag); % pull object from handles
handles.(Tag).Visible = 'off'; % turn visibility off
handles.(Tag).Visible = 'on'; % turn visibility on
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