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Location Statistics Overview
Location Performance

Percent owner occupied housing was aggregated directly from ACS government data.
The employment performance was calculated using an empirical cumulative distribution
General Information
Owner Occupied Housing

Employment Performance

Report Card
Night Life
Good for Students
Standard of Living
Crime Level
Good for Families
College Prep
The performance metrics were calculated using an empirical cumulative distribution then transformed such that the range is between [ -1 , 1 ].

Rent Statistics
Rent as Percent of Income

Cost of Rent Performance

Percent with home related debt

Performance Statistics

The performance metrics were calculated using an empirical cumulative distribution then transformed such that the range is between [ -1 , 1 ].
The graph conveys the empirical cumulative distribution function for the probability an individual's rent will be less than or equal to a percentage of their income. The data was aggregated from ACS statistics.
Education Statistics
Coming Soon
School Performance
Proficiency Scores


% of students scoring at or above the state proficiency level on a statewide reading assessment test
% of students scoring at or above the state proficiency level on a statewide math assessment test
Teacher Student Ratio