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UI Table
Learn how to easily set, extract and display information through the user interface table. The UI Table comes equipt dynamic properties to edit callbacks, color display, extract data, upload data and more.
Building a Table
Creating a Table Graphical Object To create the table you must first generate the structure through funBuildo function
s = funBuildo('table',Tag,Position,...)
Several Axeso funBuildo Structure Properties
Note: There are over +25 fields, not all are covered here
Field: Page
Type: character vector
Purpose: The page defines which page the axeso object will be defined on. To specify the page the user may use the menu bar.
default: page is set to 'Home'.
Field: FontSize
Type: Double
Purpose: The Font size of the text displayed for the x-axis, and y-axis titles,
default: FontSize is set to '10'.
Field: Color
Type: 1x3 vector with elements between 1 and 0, or defined string
Purpose: Defines the color for the background of the axes.
default: Color is set to 'none'.
Field: FontSize
Type: Double
Purpose: The Font size of the text displayed for the x-axis, and y-axis titles,
default: FontSize is set to '10'.
Field: MenuColor
Type: 1x3 vector with elements between 1 and 0, or defined string
Purpose: Defines the color for the menu.
default: Color is set to [0.3430 0.4654 0.5750].
Field: BarColor
Type: 1x3 vector with elements between 1 and 0, or defined string
Purpose: Defines the color for the Bar.
default: Color is set to [0.3430 0.4654 0.5750].
After you have created the structure you may generate an object with it by calling the funControl function:
handles = funControl('axeso',handles,s)
Once you have loaded the structure the object has been uploaded. There are several dynamic methods you may perform on the object returned in handles. Such as.
obj = handles.(Tag); % pull object from handles
handles.(Tag).Visible = 'off'; % turn visibility off
handles.(Tag).Visible = 'on'; % turn visibility on
handles.(Tag).Table= Table; % load table into object
info_structure = handles.(Tag).Last; pull info on last click
Note: many of the following fields listed above are dynamic!!
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