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Distribution Optimizer
class distribution_optimizer
Pyhon software coming soon to GitHub
Transform raw data to a gaussian distributed space using a performance metric. If the data has been found to be gaussian distributed it can be used to:
Score feature performance in multi-classification models
Dimensionality reduction via gaussian processes
Augment Feature
Optimize Feature
Distribution Analysis
Signal Processing
Calculate Performance
The fitting method is a parameter which determines how to narrow down the potential transformation applied to the raw data. There are several to choose from and can greatly change the run time of your program. ​​
optimize - Checks skew and kurtosis to qualify raw data transformations
robust - Applies every possible transformation
magnitude - Rejects standard log transformation if any data is negative
The skew left is the threshold for a negatively skewed distribution and therefore should be a negative number. The parameter is only relevant when the property fitting_method is set to optimize. The default value of the property is set to -1.
The skew right is the threshold for a positively skewed distribution and therefore should be a positive number. The parameter is only relevant when the property fitting_method is set to optimize. The default value of the property is set to 1.
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